God is Love (3)

Mar 06, 2016

God is Love (3)
1 John 4:8

Love is kind (1)
1 Corinthians 13

God has gifted humanity our glorious world, shining in wonder and beauty in a way that is absolutely astounding. This breathtaking world that we seem to exist in is not what we see, but in reality is nothing but forms that have certain reflectivities and nuances in the limited sensory package that we use to ascertain some knowledge and way of our physical world. We could have been like much of the animal world, who have no knowledge of color or any of the beauty of our world, whose sensory inputs are for flight or fight, food, and survival.
Thus God has gifted humanity with an awareness of beauty in form, shape, movement, color, music, tones that blend that we can hear the beauty of all that is our natural physical surroundings. Our consciousness has been raised from the very beginnings of 100,000 years ago to catch the glimpse of snow on the peak, to hear the rhythm of the seas and the pounding of the surf, to put this sense of rhythm into our blood, the feeling of joy in dance and the movement of the body in our strange ability to know and understand freedom of being, outward and inward.
We have been gifted with a world that is a wonder in its very existence. So many of the properties of our universe, our solar system, are so very strange that there is no reason for them to exist as they are: we all know about gravity, but all we know about gravity is that it is a very weak force of attraction with certain properties, and we can measure and formulate quite clearly to a very large degree of accuracy what those properties are, but we have no insight at all why the properties are what they are. For instance, if gravity had a 1% (actually much smaller) different value, we would be spun out of the orbits of our place around the sun or drawn into a death spiral to die in the sun many billions of years ago.
One small change in our surface temperature can wipe out all life as we know it. It apparently required a higher temperature for life to form, over 4 billion years ago, then it required a slightly lower temperature but still stable temperature for life to change and become more complex as we now know it. The earth now can have only a very narrow range of temperature change to maintain life, and the temperature on the surface of the earth has varied but little over the past 4 billion years. But the internal heating system of the earth has cooled considerably over the past 4 billion years, but our sun’s output has increased in exactly a compensating manner over this 4 billion years. Spooky, no? Science can only report what happened, with no reason why.
That, my friends, is part of the kindness of God over that immense time frame. We are living in a prolonged period of moderate temperatures, giving humanity the opportunities to mature and increase our populations with the ability to feed all. Unless we do something to rock the earth in its heating capacity, that is, to retain too much heat, this will continue to be the case for millennia to come. It is up to us to respond to the kindness of God by treating our Mother Earth kindly.
Next we will look at how we see God in our daily life, and see if God is kind to us, as the conditions of Love state.

“The Lord is my shepherd
There is nothing I shall want.
God makes me lie down in green pastures.
God leads me besides still waters.
                           Psalm 23


My Everlasting Wisdom, I marvel at the beauty you have given to me. I drown in bliss at the glory that You reveal to my consciousness. The beauty of nature that surrounds me; the glory of Your presence in all; the wonders of your actions in all that I see. I am amazed at the universe we live in; the perfection of all that exists. Science is baffled; calls it ‘dumb luck’. But I see your Glory in all that exists; the wonder of the universe, the preciseness of the universe that results in life, wonderful Life, to become a reality in our realm; the glory of consciousness that permits me to be Me, Your Image and Likeness in our world of physicality. As the psalm states: “You lead me besides still waters”, where in the calmness of peace You have shown me Your Face in the glory of all that exists. I bow in gratitude for all that You have given me in my life. Your Glory has wrapped around me, Your Peace that passes all understanding is given to me. Amen.
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My God has led me on an 80 year jaunt to ever more wondrous beauty. I am led to share this journey and gifts of God that have been showered upon me, not just for me but for whoever God brings into my path.

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