God is Love (25)

Jun 06, 2016


God is Love (25)

                   1 John 4:8

Love always hopes (2)

                                     1 Corinthians 13

“But seek first the kingdom of God –

And all these things will be given

To you as well.”

                           Matt. 6:33 (ESV)

We are back to examining the most mysterious phrase I have ever seen – by seeking God, everything we need to be joyful and happy (All these things) will be granted to us. Now, I have recently realized that I have been seeking God for 80 years, and I must say I have been granted the means to find joy and happiness all my life if I but look and take those rings that have been offered to me on the circle of life. No, I have not always taken the ring when offered. But even those times I did not take the golden ring, I was led to new experiences that led to even greater levels of joy.

But how does that relate to this mysterious thing we call ‘hope’? One of the ways is to examine the lives of those we call the ‘saints’ of our lives, and see of they remained joyful and happy during their lives, as they reached for that golden ring we call the “Kingdom of God”, using ‘hope’ as their guideline. Now one of the most striking things we notice right off the bat, is that they did not consider themselves “seeking the Kingdom of God”, no, they saw something that had to be done and did it. People like Dorothy Day, Marten Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and so many others, all are the saints that we recognize in modern times that have changed societies and thought. These are the people that not only took the ring of hope when it was offered, but used that ring to challenge the thought pattern of our society and bring about a change that nudged us to a better way.

And yes, they were to a person, joyful and happy in their lives, especially towards the end of their lives. The characteristic of joyfulness, laughter, lightness, all marked their lives even during the most intense periods of their lives. The sense of joy that radiated from them is what attracted so many others to them, without their even trying. That type of joy can only emerge for what we call ‘hope’. Nelson Mandela entered solitary confinement an angry young man, but when he emerged over 25 years later, it is said that his guards wept at his leaving, for his presence was an uplifting experience for all who were in contact with him. When he was asked what happened, he said that he made a choice: he could remain that angry person and suffer during his time, or he could accept that this was his situation, and learn and find the God that was present and live in that moment.

And above all, all of them would agree, that “All things were given to them as well.” Their own peace of soul was profound, along with the sorrow that they could not have brought more into that joyful center that they lived in at the time of their death.

Thus the hope we have for a better life is answered by the simple axiom that Jesus spoke: “Seek first the kingdom of God, then all things will be given to you.”

But their is a rub to that saying: when we look at the lives of the saints listed above, we do not see any overt “seeking first the kingdom of God”, but instead we see individuals who saw an injustice and worked to rectify that injustice, using the love of God as their guide. And thus it is anywhere we look at the efforts of the saints: they always worked to rectify a situation and, above all, did not concern themselves about the results or about getting all those things we see as so important, a bigger house, bigger car, etc.

Seeking first the kingdom of God is both a simple task and one of the most complex tasks possible. Seeking the Kingdom of God means working to ease the pain of our world in some concrete manner, and not being concerned with what happens – and hoping that indeed, Jesus spoke for God, and it is possible to live a good life, be happy, and still seek that kingdom without having to even think about it. Yes, it is possible to hold a regular 9-5 (or more) job, have a loving family, and do the ordinary things of life, while still seeking that Kingdom of God where it presents itself in your life. For mistake it not: once you put yourself to this task, opportunities will present themselves to you right and left. God is very thoughtful in that way: the opportunities to seek the Kingdom by working to bring God to our world in some concrete form will always be present, and the joy that you will realize will absolutely amaze you, no matter what your age and situation that you find yourself immersed in.

“God has ascended amid shouts of joy,

The Lord amid the soundings of trumpets.”

                     Psalm 47: 5 (NIV)



My Spirit of Life, my Lover of Eternity, I am grateful for this opportunity to explore my hidden resources in the golden light of Eternity. You have showered me with wonderful opportunities to express Your Love in my life, and I marvel at the responses of Love I have received whenever I have taken those opportunities and immersed myself into them. You have never failed to provide me with opportunities; no matter how many I reject, another is always present. I am grateful beyond measure for these chances to seek the Kingdom of God, to see the hope that dazzles me beyond comprehension, and leads me to closer union with You at every turn. I look forward with hope in all that I do, that I can be a symbol of Your Love here in this world of ours, that is yearning for Your Love even when they do not know that yearning.

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My God has led me on an 80 year jaunt to ever more wondrous beauty. I am led to share this journey and gifts of God that have been showered upon me, not just for me but for whoever God brings into my path.

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