God is Love (16)

Apr 24, 2016

God is Love (16)
1 John 4:8

Love does not delight in evil (2)
1 Corinthians 1

There are times in our lives when everything seems to be wrong, and we strike out wildly in all directions, blaming others for our problems, screaming at God and asking “why do you treat me so badly?” not seeing that indeed, we have negative events so we can see the the positive events for what that they are. We do not see events as they are, but we would not recognize the beauty of what we have unless we experience the negative parts of our lives. God does not delight in evil, and to tell you the truth, God does not see evil in our lives, only seeing the learning experience.
God sees only perfection in all that we are and all that we do. No one, and I want to repeat that, no one does anything inappropriate from their point of view at the moment they do any act. We have learned from all that we have been taught that our inner most feelings tell right from wrong, and anything we do, even if we know it to be wrong, it is still the best we can do at that moment, for anything else would be worse (in our minds). Any act we can think of falls into that category. Killing, rape, stealing, anything, at the moment of the act, acting out is the best that the person doing the act can do. They, we, may instantly realize that the act is wrong, even understand while moving towards doing the act that it is wrong, but at the moment of the act it was the best they, I, you, can do. In the mind of the person doing the act they have no choice in what they are doing. This is especially true with an addict, as the draw of the addiction is totally overpowering, even when the person about to cave in to the addiction understands that it is self-defeating to do so, but is unable to stop that last step.
Therefore any act, as seen from the point of view of God, who understands perfectly well our innermost feelings, is not considered inappropriate. The act is part of our learning process, and this process is built into us when we came into the universe, our time of physicality. God is like the father in the parable greeting their child with open arms, waiting for us to grow into the reality of Who We Really Are, not the being with the imagined life we are living. Even if it takes until we transition into the period of no-time, we will eventually recognize Who We Really Are, and fall into the loving embrace of our God. Then we will understand why we did things like we did, and forgive ourselves as we understand we had no choice at that time of our physical life. That learning process will be part of our eternal being, and be part of the process where we experience all that is to experience in the various levels of love that we are, for we too are only love.
How can I say that? We have said, over and over, that God is Love, and only Love, and can never express anything but Love. We have also said, that we are somehow a portion of God, as there is nothing but God anywhere, including all that makes up our physical universe. Therefore, if we are a part of God, co-heirs with Jesus into the infinite being we call God (see
Romans 8), and we are the Image of God as declared in Genesis 1, we are only Love, and we are Love learning to express itself as the most glorious way we know how, becoming the next greatest version of the greatest vision we can have of our being. Thus we are cycling over and over into the process of being, coming closer to a pure expression of Love, that being that we truly are – Love, only Love.
Thus God takes delight with who we are at this very moment, and God takes delight where humanity is at this moment, knowing we have eternity to grow into that Being of Love, like Jesus, who told us “Greater things than this shall You do”, knowing full well who we truly are, that “The Kingdom of God dwells with us”, that we will eventually grow into that Love that fully expresses the core of our being. God has no time-table, and is very patient, and will wait for us to reach that level of glory in the fullness of time, or the fullness of no-time.

One thing I ask from the Lord,
This only do I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life.
Psalm 27: 4


My Sacred Wisdom, my Pearl of Glory, I let myself find bliss in the sacredness and beauty of my being, my soul, that part of me that revels in the warmth of Your Love. When I open myself up to that well of Love that lies within, in the Kingdom that dwells within me, I find myself immersed in the infinite depths that includes everything and all. I am truly grateful that Your Love surpasses all understanding, so that the actions that I castigate myself over become as nothing when Your gaze sweeps over me. Seeing their beauty amazes me, for in my eyes they were as darkest thunderclouds, until You brought Your light of Love into these fears and shed Your light on my actions. Thus I can now forgive myself, for you show me they are but part of my learning apparatus that can change the deepest darkness to diamonds blazing in the sunlight.
I am grateful for all You have shown me, turning these dark clouds into diamonds, and You have lead me to understand that these clouds are my crowning glory, as they have taught me wisdom and help me keep my rampant ego where it belongs as part of my humanity.

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