If God is Love, part 5

Apr 13, 2014

I have turned 80 this past week. The greatest gift given to me by my God for my 80th birthday is to allow me to recognize I have a limited time left on earth to give back to my God. I can still teach. I can still write. Some of my strength is gone, but much is still present. My mind is still passionate and able to devour knowledge. I have started writing while I still can. I have been granted the gift of teaching God's word, as presented today, in today's language to those who wish it. I don't want to be on my death bed wishing I had done more. No, I will teach what God is pouring through me, hopefully to give others a way to find their own vision. For each of us is unique, like a snow flake, never to be repeated, and have our own vision of God, which is right for each one.

As a summary: in the last post I went through an abbreviated history of the of the development of Modern Man, the break-through to gain consciousness and the ultimate drive of finding out “Why?” , the ultimate question that makes humanity different from all other creatures. I ended up by suggesting that we are the Branches, God is the Vine, and we, as so strongly suggested by Jesus, are the infinite beings of God, not equal to God (branches), but still capable of infinite power if we so choose.


p> This is a twist in all we have been taught. We have been taught that God humbled God's Self to become human. We have been taught that we are little in the eyes of God. We have been taught that we are undeserving and must bow down before God (I am not worthy), for humility (humble being defined as less than the anointed ones, our priests and ministers) is the examlary virtue of all. Much that we have been taught flies in the face of Jesus simple analogy: “God is the vine, you are the branches”. What more do we need to understand? “Oh you of little faith, if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you could call on a mountain and cast it in the sea.” (Matt. 12:21)

Who has the power to cast a mountain in the sea? God, of course. But, according to Jesus, so do we. What was God trying to impart to us through the words of Jesus? And Jesus said this many times. We are equal to Jesus if we just accept the power (“Greater things than this shall you do”). Powerful words, indeed! But we keep refusing to accept these words, as they seem to be too good to be true. God has been trying to tell us for thousands of years: Believe in yourself! Believe you and God are one, and we can know it, if we let ourselves believe in ourselves. And if that frightens you, then believe that the power of Jesus lies within you, as the kingdom of God lies within! You are the branches, God is the vine! Yes! It is spoken!

So, we have a messy world. People are killed by landslides, planes out of control, hurricanes, earthquakes, cancer, so many things are messy in this world of ours! How can God be Love with all of this! What is the catch? Well, there are two catches. The first is to understand what our task on earth is, and the second is what God's purpose of the universe(s) is. (Yes, more than one universe is a possibility from both physics and God.)

Our purpose is simple: to complete our section of the universe, to turn it into a showcase of God in the universe.

Look at the mess our world is in today, both from a natural turmoil and man-made turmoil. Wars wage here and there, oh I know, we only call them skirmishes, but people die and are maimed physically, mentally, and spiritually, so that is war by definition. A million children die each year from malnutrition and it's effects. Much of the older generation lie rotting in their own stench, waiting to die. Our poor are ignored, or worse, thrown out into the gutter. Yes, cities outlaw the poor and street people, making it illegal for them to be present, and just packing them out, out, not here.

Well, God gave this messy world to us, you and me, and said “Grow it into perfection” That is right, you and me! Fix it! Give God's love out and cure this world! That is our task. For God is Love. And God's Love lies within us, is part and parcel of who we are, and as a branch of God, we are Love! Yes, we are supposed to let God's Love be present, and if God is Love, we are supposed to let God shine through.

We could, as humanity, end world hunger. Oh yes, it would take a few years to turn our resources to accomplish that, but if we have half the will we use to hunt terrorists to feeding the world, well, lo and behold, most terrorist acts would stop, or take the energy spent watching and cheering March Madness and turn that energy into feeding the hungry, and the world would be a happier place; and we could call that a God Like Place.

Likewise, we could provide basic shelter for all the world's humans. There are simple designs that I have seen that would provide shelter for all that desire shelter. True, some may not, but that is their choice, and we must honor that .

Likewise, we could end most childhood disease, and let our older generation move to the next level with joy and ease, if we wish!

If we wish.

If we wish, we could be God's love on earth. God would be able to experience God's Love in Action, loving those who are struggling.

Wait a minute. I said something strange. “God would be able to experience –” Yes! God knows God is Love, but to be complete, God would like to Experience that Love in Action. How do we know we are short (or tall) unless we see another who is taller or shorter than us? That, folks, is truly the theory of relativity on a universal scale, as never seen before. So God created this universe in order to experience God in action.

That is the purpose of all that we know.

No, I am not the one who first exposed these ideas. When I read them in “Conversations with God”, it struck me “Of Course!” Why else would everything be as it is? Such thoughts could only come from God! Never before has someone revealed a possibility that makes sense of this messy world. I have pondered this all my life. I has never seen an explanation of our world that did not make God a wimp, designing a messy place just so we could limp along to reach a better place beyond this life on earth.

Not so! Not so! This grand design is to let God Love! Yes, to let God Love! Now! Let the Love accomplish something: feed the hungry, give shelter to those without, give joy where there is none, create peace and a place for others to just be themselves without the fear of an explosion or other means of instant death. Cradle the dying, shelter the sick, remove pain, give all a place to rest, without worry.

That is our task in this life. To be God's Love on earth. We are the shelter, the food, the clothing, the sense of love here, now, at this very moment.

I have other musings on God at my journal on God in www.BeliefNet.com, under Dave434.


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My God has led me on an 80 year jaunt to ever more wondrous beauty. I am led to share this journey and gifts of God that have been showered upon me, not just for me but for whoever God brings into my path.

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