Abundance(20)-The Way(2)

Jan 18, 2015



2) Came to believe that a power greater than my ego could restore us to sanity, or the Truth.

Now comes the critical point. Do you believe that a Power greater than our egoic center can help us get to that point? Can you, I, admit that we can not do it in our separated space? Only the power of God, the Eternal One, combined with our joining with that Power, has the ability to change the “logical” outcome. We and God are one, for we are an Individualization of the Eternal Power, the Creator of the Universe, and therefore the Power, the Power that Jesus said was ours to take (Greater things than this shall you do). What more do we want to hear? God had told us in many ways that the power to change all is ours for the taking.


How can we be “Made in the Image and Likeness of God” (Genesis 1:27)? Certainly not in any physical sense, for God is the All in All, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End. Then how are made in God’s Image, unless we are in the image, or part of, the very being of the nature of God. If this is so, then we retain an infinite amount of power to do “Greater things than this”, (John 14:12). as Jesus said. For even an “image of God” is infinite in its very nature.


Jesus made this audacious statement that has been watered down by all commentators since that time (just google that statement, and look at all the mentions of the perceptions that Jesus was only stretching his statement, that in no way can we be equal to Jesus, and so forth), but it so bold that it could not have been left out since all were aware, and wondered at the meaning of the statement. This statement clearly outlines what Jesus intends: that we, with “The faith of a mustard seed“, have the power to create miracles. But when Jesus used the term “Faith“, he obviously meant that we had to move beyond our isolated self. Right now each of us have, in general, only one source of faith: ourselves and what we can do in our physical world, using only our limited physical being.


Yes, we are going over this again, for it is so outrageous and fits this point in our discussion that we need to review this critical point again. Plus I added one more level to this discussion, in that if we are made in the “Image of God“, then the only possible way we could be in God’s image is through our link with God, our inner soul, that part that is linked in some way to the very Nature of God, the Eternal Power, the All in All, The Alpha and the Omega. God made it very clear, starting right off in book 1 of “Conversation with God” where Neale Donald Walsch became the pen of God, as the Eternal Power used Neale to try once again to give us the same message that Jesus attempted to give.


The message of Jesus and of Conversation with God (CwG) have many common points, especially if we take the portions of the message of Jesus as most likely the actually said by Jesus, and the events that are recorded in the earliest versions of the bible, plus we recognize that the written words in the bible were not written until almost 40 years after the death of Jesus before the first attempts to put down in written form all the stories that were handed down verbally. Only the most striking statements by Jesus can be considered words by Jesus, such as the Sermon on the Mount, which compiled many sayings of Jesus in a single spot, even though it is believed that these sayings actually occurred throughout the ministry of Jesus, and comprise the core message that Jesus taught day after day.


And how does science agree with these thoughts that we have the power to effect the outcome of our lives? As stated previously, science is in perfect agreement with all that I stated above. Quantum physics and all the experiments designed to prove or disprove the math has, every time, proven the strange outcomes predicted by the quantum mechanics mathematics. The most bazaar of the outcomes result in that there is only Now, that the past is but a memory, and the future is undetermined. That means that every pico-second (one billionth of a second) (and even smaller moments of time) is a new Now, whose result has a possibility to be different than expected from the previous pico-second, as the very act of sensing that event modifies the event. This fact is in striking agreement with the Words of Jesus, “Greater things than this shall you do“, and “You shall say to that mountain go throw your self into the see, and it will happen.” (Mark 11:23). talk about statements that talk about the future Now being totally different than the previous Now, those saying of Jesus portray the essence of Quantum physics.


Yes, Jesus said “magic” can happen, and proved it by his miracles. Quantum physics says that “magic” can, and not only can, but does happen. Our very existence proves that. Small random changes in the DNA of various forms brought life to present, then these had random changes that caused more life, first swimming, then crawling, to eventually become beings who can think and self-recognize, or you and me. We call it evolution, and those of us who have dealt in genetic changes of plants by cross-breeding, know that these events are truly random. When I helped my father hybridize garden lilies, you make certain crosses hoping for an outcome, you harvest the several dozen seeds, plant them, be amazed at the various results. Usually similar, but no two are the same. Subtle changes in the plant DNA means subtle differences and sometimes remarkable difference. And there was only one cross, but oh so many differences.


But quantum physics goes beyond just the randomness of possibilities and the potential for things other the expected to occur. Far beyond, in fact, and to the great surprise (ands horror of those who claim there is not God) of the physicist, enters into world of the theologian. These findings, based upon the study not only of the smallest ‘particles’, but the findings of the astronomers who study the beginnings of the universe and the great mystery of the black holes, thereby studying time itself and the very nature of the universe we live in.


The shocking nature of matter that was discovered by the all of this, including the findings of the great Hadron Collider in the past few years, is that we when we use extreme pressure at collision velocities approaching the speed of light that all those particles with the strange names that form all matter, both visible and not visible, the very nature of matter is revealed. That nature is shown to be identical to Einstein’s general relativity equation which chowed, back in 1915, the dual nature of matter and energy. That nature is that nothing solid exists. No particles exist as a fundamental being.


All that exists is energy. A force that can not be created or destroyed. A force that is pure relationships, forming relationships that bind with further relationships to create relativistic events that we call particles that bind together to form matter that we can see and matter and forces that we can measure but not see. Atomic power uses the energy released when those relational bonds are broken.


All that exists is relationships that shift and slide to become all that we know, and even more all that we can only get glimpses of by their relationships on that small portion that we can see, which is only about 0.02% of the measureable energy in our universe.


Is this not but a definition of God? And we can see only our universe, which had a beginning and an end, and is within defined limits which we can, and have, calculated. Then we have the void out of our universe, which the study of the black holes has begun to reveal some of that area, but we do know that there is no limit to what is outside our universe.


What else can we say that better defines God?


and this is only in the four dimensions that we can measure, let alone the other 10 or 11 dimensions that we understand exist.


All of this is ours. We have the capacity by the very fact that all that we are from a physical side is God made visible by relationships, that our very beings are part and parcel of God.


But we have blinders on. These blinders form a needed purpose, for they permit us to express ourselves by the unique branch that makes me, me, and you, you.


Now is the time to remove those blinders, to see and understand who we really are.


We are part and parcel of God, not the full God of the universe and beyond, but a tiny portion of that God that contains the energy that is you, and the energy that is me, and we contain the infinite capacity to fulfill our deepest desires, once we merge with that universal truth with conscious effort.


2) Came to believe that a power greater than my ego could restore us to sanity, or the Truth.




Our Eternal Wisdom, I am deeply grateful for living in an age when we have truly gained an understandings of the nature of the gods. In this case, Your Eternal Being that forms all that we have and are. You have given wisdom and foresight to this small portion of this universe, allowing us to experience all that makes up this moment of Now. We are asking for the courage to join with You and therefore with my True Being, and to see the Paradise that we live in in Your blessed Being.


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