Abundance(16)-Engine of Life(2)

Dec 14, 2014



We are the Engine of our own life.

We design the life we live.

We can control our life

If we understand the process.

Nothing is Impossible.

This startling statement is a direct result of thinking metaphysically and thinking from a quantum physics viewpoint. Jesus put it clearly: “if you have the faith of a mustard seed, —– nothing is impossible.” This wild statement is hardly ever taken as it was spoken – nothing is impossible.


Now hard-headed “realists”, as they term themselves, laugh at this and call it childish, the voice of a dreamer, and point out all the calamities of everything around us. But then we see the small miracles of life, and the impossible miracle of Life itself, and perhaps, just perhaps, if we think just a bit, maybe there is at least some truth in those words, “Nothing is Impossible”. Life itself, the extraordinary fact that the double helix of the DNA strand evolved from a world that the realists state is collapsing into the stasis of nothing (called Entropy), whereby energy can never be gained or lost, but converted from active higher energy state to a lower energy state, with the excess energy lost to electro-magnetic energy to wander the universe.


Science has come to believe that life abounds in our universe, much to the consternation of those who believe firmly that we are a fluke beyond comprehension. But the constant drive by the universe to greater complexity, culminating in the complexity of the DNA, gives us a look at the working of the universe, which, from all signs, is evolving to greater and greater complexity. Science has viewed this with mixed feelings, and with wonderment, as it goes against the traditional thinking using entropy, but fits with the Darwinian theories of “survival of the fittest”, that is, usually a more complex approach has better odds of survival in a hostile environment, as more complex systems can self-organize differently than simple systems.


And above all, this fits with the quantum knowledge of the past century, where all thinking of how matter came to be and even the very nature of the universe came to be called into question. The breathtaking evolution of thinking in a quantum fashion, combined with the mind twisting insights gained from Einstein’s relativity research, has thrown all of science in a tailspin that, when viewed with an open mind, makes sense of the words of Jesus: “Nothing is impossible.” When we study these massive breakthroughs in scientific thinking, we suddenly understand, from a scientific viewpoint, that indeed, “Nothing is impossible”, no matter how far fetched.


This is most easily seen by the quantum viewpoint, where the mathematics state very strange things, including that time itself does not exist in the very small world of quantum mechanics, as strange as that seems. In this strange world, nothing is real until observed, nothing’s exists until “Now” occurs. Before that, only possibilities exist. Before this observation in the “Now” occurs, it could be “this” or it could be “that”. Now usually, due to the multiplicity of observers, there is very little difference between “this” or “that”. But, there is always, always, the possibility if a shift in the “Now” that occurs, resulting in a new “this” for you or me. This new “this” will be different from “that” that could have been, but for a difference in the energy of observation made by the observer, that is , you or me. If we change our energy of observation, something new will occur, something different, that will lead in a slightly different direction to something still different than if we had started with a different energy level.


Now this may seem complicated, but in reality it is simplicity itself. Science says that the observer changes what is observed. This is what occurs when a rainbow appears. The moisture content separates and bends the rays of light according to the wavelength of the individual energy of the light. If treated as a particle, it would just move straight on, but in the dual nature of a a broad front wave, it spreads out and we see the beauty of a rainbow, but all that is, is a spread of the energy level of the individual photon. A photon of a given energy has a certain corresponding wavelength, if it has higher energy, it has shorter (“bluer”) wavelength.


An experiment that has been duplicated many times that proved the dual nature of light takes a sensitive film or sensor placed behind a plate, with a space from the plate to the film or sensor. Now a film, or sensor,can not detect energy waves, but only detects a photon particle. The plate contains two small holes. A single photon particle of light is shot from a source controlled to emit one photon particle at a time. It was aimed at the space between the holes,mans this is proved by placing the film or sensor in that space, and it inspired every time that the photon indeed lands in the center, between the two holes. Nothing should have passed through the two holes, since the photon particle was aimed at the space between. But when the film placed behind the plate is developed, the single photon is imaged on the film or sensor at exactly the center of the space between the two holes, proving that the light became a wavefront, passed through both of the two holes, then became a photon particle when it struck the sensor or film in the center on the other sides.


The cause? The ‘observation point’ was the film on the other side, so it could be both a particle and a wave until measured by the film on the other side, since no observation had determined the state until the film or sensor. This event had been seen long before quantum theory was formed, and was one of great mysteries of science, until quantum theory emerged that explained that nothing is firm until it is observed.


Thus science says: “Nothing is Impossible”.


Did Jesus know about quantum theory? No, he was a product of his own time. But he did understand something far more important than quantum theory: he understood that the workings of the universe is a product of the Wisdom of God, that nothing was impossible with God, the Eternal Wisdom, and that the universe, the very fabric of the Eternal Mystery, is able to create anything if the correct type of energy was directed at that item. Thus Jesus understood that “Nothing is impossible” from an esoteric viewpoint. This viewpoint is just as valid as a scientific viewpoint, since science is just bringing out the workings of the universe in a manner that can be understood and used in a fashion to evolve the world to become what was the intention of God during the creation of the universe 13.7 billion years ago. Science is beginning to explain, in a mathematical manner, the underpinnings of the wonder of fabric of the universe, and, in a manner of speaking, the fabric of working of God, the Eternal Mystery.


This path of understanding of the working of the fabric of God is a step in the evolving process of the evolving of humanity to the next step of evolution, that of conscious evolution, where we can choose to evolve to the next level, to know and taste God in all we do. Yes, it is possible, and we will hopefully reach that level of consciousness before destroying ourselves in the process. But now we understand that we do have the means, at our hand, to effect our personal lives, and the lives of those around us.


Nothing is impossible, as spoken by Jesus and Science.


What Jesus said, “to have the faith of a mustard seed“, disclosed the means of achieving our desires and goals in life. Faith is the energy needed to bring to life the power to achieve even “Moving the mountain from here to there”. But achieving that level of faith is a process that will take some discussing, and we will see that indeed, a life filled with abundance is not only possible, but it is easily obtained.


Faith is the means of modifying the observation to achieve our goal in life. Science says that the observer modifies the event, and the implication is that energy exuded by the observer is the modifying force. The element of faith is the key to bring about the internal objective of life, to attain Joy and happiness, despite what appears to be happening in life. The key is finding that source of faith that we can draw upon to obtain the foundation of knowing that the result will be a knowing, a rock solid knowing, that the result of the “Now” will always, always, be perfect for us to achieve our real goal in life, to understand “Who We Are”, why we are in this life, and what is the purpose of our life.


We are unique, we are the only one who can achieve our purpose, and we are here to reach that goal. It is not elusive, but is a result that can be reached, if we but let ourselves reach out with all we have, “The Faith of a mustard seed“. You are here reading this because you have been given the grace to reach this level of understanding, now, in this life, as you exist in this here and now, no matter if you are young or older. I am 80, approaching 81, and understand that to reach the next level of understanding of the universe is only a matter of a switch of perspective, requiring no time, just a change in thought pattern.




Holy Spirit, the Universe of All, the All in All, we bow in gratitude for guiding us in this path of understanding your will in this life and beyond. Thank you for this opportunity to spend understanding your presence and the purpose of our life during this experience of Life. We see the evolving universe, and understand we are part of the evolving process of Life. We swim in the mysterious ways of evolution, understanding only the surface, and marveling at the interplay between science and the metaphysical world. We sigh in bliss at being granted the chance to join more fully from our heart to see the interplay of the universe and our lives.


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My God has led me on an 80 year jaunt to ever more wondrous beauty. I am led to share this journey and gifts of God that have been showered upon me, not just for me but for whoever God brings into my path.

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