Abundance Part 8 —— Soul Abundance
Oct 20, 2014
I talked about abundance rising from the ego, and now I will speak of Soul Abundance, which rises from the soul. Soul Abundance is the outcome of the words of Jesus, “Seek first the kingdom of God, and all else will be given to you.” Matt. 6:33.
Soul Abundance rises spontaneously from seeking first the kingdom of God. I have spent most of my discussions on abundance, acceptance, and expectation, talking about Soul Abundance. Soul Abundance rises from our inner eyes turned to see God in all things, seeing the good in all things. Soul Abundance fills us with joy and wonder, gives us the capacity to lay our worries aside, for we know that out of this situation, no matter what it seems like in the middle of the event, will rise the next best thing for us to grow to the next level of living, even if that next level means passing from the physical realm. Yes, what we call death is a good thing, for it frees our soul from the vibrational constraints of the physical life of four dimensions, and allows us to experience once again the boundless freedom of The Ultimate Realm of God.
When we practice Soul Abundance, we do not have to make lists, determine what things and how much we need to be happy. No, God understands better than ourselves what truly gives us happiness, what eases the load, what brings us joy in our heart, what fills the void that we all carry inside. We fill that void not with things, but with Love of others, spilling out, overflowing into life.
Now, I understand well that at times we need things. I have learned to trust and believe God will supply these things when we need them, if we do our part to open the way for fulfillment. I remember back when one of our children was in college, and she needed an unexpected $1000 the next week for a critical project. We were putting three through college, and did not have that money lying around. But we trusted (and expected) that God would find a way to solve the situation in the best way for all concerned. We went away on Saturday all day for something, and when returned that evening had a phone message from a charity that we gave to (and still give) often, and had recently bought some raffle tickets as part of that charity, that we had won the grand prize of, you guessed it, $1000. Lucky? No. God gave us something in return for our trust and expectation. Now to put a perspective on that winning, I had bought hundreds of raffle tickets through the years, and had never, not once, won any prize, let alone the grand prize.
That is how Soul Abundance works. It does not require lists, drilling repetitive phrases to eliminate doubt, high adrenalin shocks, and mental gymnastics to keep concentrating on our desires. No, all it requires is to do what we can do, give the problem over the the Divine Wisdom, and let it go, knowing that the best possible result will occur. Yes, just let it go, and Trust. The best will occur, if we but trust and let our hearts be wrapped in the cushion of God’s Love.
Now, the best is often not what we expect. Many times, unlike the example given above, it turns out to have a twist that seems doubtful at the time, but turns out for the best that could be, usually far better than if the original desire had taken place. My partner and I own a very small very high technology company, building a computer graphics engine to train pilots. It is a very high end program, and we depend heavily on government purchases. When the government shut down in October of 2013, all contracts stopped for almost one year. To put it mildly, that put a strain on our resources. We had received help from our bank off and on previously, but when we went to them this time, we were refused. They felt it was too risky, not knowing when the contracts were coming again. We were concerned, as we had done all we could, our sales person is one of the best in the industry, but so little was occurring in the entire industry, so much that two of our competitors had gone under, so I just turned it over to the Divine Wisdom; for we have 20 employees who could lose their jobs, 20 families who would be without a paycheck. Within a week after the bank said no, we received a call from our biggest customer, who wanted to put us on their “favored” list, and would buy a significant amount from us to cement the deal. We had a major payment due, at the latest by a Monday, and the money arrived in our checking account the preceding Thursday so we could pay on Friday.
So, we not only had the money, but had not gone into debt to receive it. So what seemed like a blow when the bank said no, turned out for the best for we not only survived, but we are flourishing with our bottoms line results.
Yes, God does help businesses pay their employees. God looks into our hearts and sees what is present: are we concerned only for ourselves, or does our wishes and desires have to do with the best for others? The Eternal Wisdom understood our love and concern for others, stepped in before we asked, (obviously our customer had been working on this internally for some time) and made something wonderful happen. My partner and I also benefited, but that was not our main concern. Part of my search for “The Kingdom of God” includes the families that depend on continued employment, besides my family.
“For do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has its own problems.” Matt 6:34.
I have been asked often if I worry. The answer is that sometimes before an answer appears, I can lose sight of what I know to be true, and start to worry and be concerned. That is when I turn to my spiritual sources, reading and meditation, and sink into their warmth and comfort. Yes, at times in that last event I would wake up at three in the morning and be fretting, and there were times I arose and let my self sink into my Eternal Wisdom using a walking meditation, until I arrived at the point where I knew that all would be good and well, no matter what happened. One of my sons said to me that I was just so accepting of what was happening, and would move to the next step, and then the next step, without overtly worrying.
We create our own context, from our inner resources. “As you believe, you will receive“. Matt. 21:22. That is how it is, and we set our own contexts to live and create our own life. I know that God, my Eternal Wisdom will always be with me, and will lead me through this life into the next experience, a rebirth into eternity and beyond.
Soul abundance rises from our very essence, and meshes with life and all that exists to produce the very best for us. Yes, it does require trust, or I should say TRUST! Part of the reason I have that level of Trust is that I have seen it work so many times in the past. I have referenced some of these in past postings, but in truth my whole life has been filled with them, from small things to amazing big things. Now, we do have to spend the time and effort to develop that trust and reliance, but that is not difficult and becomes a joyful process of living in the presence of our Eternal Wisdom. Spending time with God, our Eternal Wisdom, our Font of Knowledge and Courage, becomes a joy and brings us to levels of comfort and peace that I cannot express in words.
Our Eternal Wisdom, our God, our Heart, you have filled us today with peace and joy beyond compare. We do not worry how much longer We will be in this physical body, for We have eternity to dwell in your love and bliss. We have so much gratitude for the privilege of being shown the possibility of Your Love and Joy for so many years, and we yearn to share the vision with others so they can see the joy in life that is possible. We ask your blessing on this path we trod, to be able to share your Yearning for us to remove the veil that blinds us to your Love that permeates all we are and have.
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Hello, nice post!
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Say, you got a nice blog article.Much thanks again. Great.