Abundance, Part 5

Sep 28, 2014


To learn to Trust, to learn to find our way to “The a kingdom of God that lies within” — that is the challenge. Are there processes or techniques that ease us into that level, smooth the way, create opportunities to find that level of Trust?


The answer is yes, there is. When Jesus said “You must become like a child” (Matt. 18:3) Jesus is talking about a child’s level of Trust. The kind of Trust that says, “God, the Eternal Wisdom, can do no wrong, will let no wrong be done to me (my soul), desires only Love and Joy for me”. A child, if given half a chance in life, looks at their parents in this light: the child believes that the parents can do no wrong, will let no wrong be done to the them, and desires only Love and Joy for them. If we look into the eyes of a child, we see Love and Trust shining forth in abundance, expecting only to be loved and treated tenderly.

I remember well all 7 of our children loved to be picked up and swung, or tossed into the air and caught, squealing with delight and laughter. Thy knew, just knew, that I would not drop them, that I would protect them from harm, that I loved them with all my being. One of the greatest joys I remember, was when we had four little girls at home, with only 5 years separating the oldest from the youngest, coming home from work and being surrounded by laughing little bundles of joy, all wanting to be picked up and hugged and swung and loved.

That is the intent of Jesus’s words: “Become like a child.” Trust in the the love of God, the God who spun the universe out of the very Being of God is the same God who spun us out of the very Fabric of God. We carry within us the genes of God. Our DNA is the DNA of God. Who else can we better trust? We have this saying that is so blithely tossed out: “Let go and let God” that is so true, but few really believe that is true. Oh we say the words, but only in desperation can we LIVE the words, for this requires full abandonment of our ego and all that we think of ourselves as being worthy and competent, but suspect we are anything but worthy and competent, and we especially suspect in our hearts that we are not worthy. When we drop all of that junk that we feed ourselves, and throw ourselves into the effort, we will find that truly we ARE worthy and competent, at a level we did not realize we had.

I recently experienced that effect. I had been give a serious task that to save someone who is one my closest friends, I had to first tear them down to face their reality, before they could begin the process to heal. My friend had a serious problem and did not, could not, face it, or seek the proper help. I sought aid on how to help, and was told that I was the only person in a position to help, therefore it was mine to intercede. I beseeched God for help, and trusted God would respond as God has always done in the past.

I still had much angst on the last evening before I had planned to approach my friend, not sure I could do this, not sure if I had the right words. All the natural doubts that almost all have in a serious situation like this, especially if one has never done an intervention on this level before. The evening before I had planned this event, I went to a talk, where the person spoke wonderful things about trying to change the world, one step at a time. The talk lasted 90 minutes, give or take a few. But she spoke just a few words that changed everything to me: “If you are a true friend to someone who is destroying themselves and they do not understand that, then you must tell them, despite the pain. For that is what a true friend is: you are their friend, through thick and thin, and this is the thin.” That was God speaking to me. I have found that God will speak to me at our most desperate times, if only I listen. I have been working at this now for almost 47 years, so I heard those few words that were just a tiny fraction of the whole talk. God was assuring me that this is the time, now is the time, and I would be guided if I just Trust.

The next morning I was still not sure when or how I could do it, but I was totally at peace. It would happen, but ‘when’ was out of my hands. Then this person spoke a few words to me that rang a bell. It felt like God picked me up, picked up the notes I had so carefully worked on, led us both to a room where I could close the door and I could talk. God, the Eternal Wisdom and Spokesperson, flowed through me into the other. We ended up hugging and crying, I was thanked wholeheartedly, and we separated. I have no idea as I write this how this will end, but I trust God will continue the process to work out for the best for us all, especially for my friend. I will be part of the process going out the rest of our lives, for however long that is in the future.

So you see how trust works. Trust that if we but listen, we will be guided. Trust that all is working perfectly. Trust that if we have a role in something we will be shown the opportunity to be there and do what we are meant to do. This does not mean that we do nothing, but we have to work at what we see at all times, if something call us we must respond, if someone interjects with information we have to act. I spent two days working on my notes, writing and re-writing them, getting reaction to them from my wife and others who knew the situation, so that when the time came I knew exactly what I was going to say, and could give the person involved my notes and examples of the behavior in question for them to study after I had spoken.

Then I trusted God. That was all I had left. I had done everything I could.

That is how it works. We do all we can, and God will, absolutely will, do the rest. How this will end I trust God will step in to guide my friend in the next step. This is serious, and could have very serious results in my friends life, but that is something else that will be helped at the time. The friend is my friend, now and forever, and I will not let it go of my friend. But that is in God’s hands, and the best result will happen for us both.

Yes, this is Abundance, for myself, and yes, for my friend. Only by facing the truth of the life that my friend was living now and in the future, could my friend have a chance to find internal peace and find the ability to face life, one day at a time. I know it will happen sometime in the future, I trust that God will lead the way. That is what Trust is: to trust when the outcome is in doubt, but the outcome will be the right outcome for all for what all are trying to become, to grow in God and Wisdom.

I will speak next time about some of the day to day steps that I took, and can prove to help anyone who follows, to reach the highest potential you can have in this life.


My Eternal Wisdom, the Gift of Life, I bow in gratitude for the guidance you gave me over this past week. I bow in gratitude for this wonderful Abundance, if we see that gift of Abundance in All the glory that it is, no matter what it seems at the first glance. Thank you my God, for giving me the gift of this speech, for guiding my words and tongue. This is all I could ask, nothing more than to be the vehicle of, your Love to my friend in this time of need. You have shown me the true meaning of Abundance, not just more “things”, but more Spirit, more capacity to do Your will and be Your vehicle for the truth, so that we can all find peace and joy in Your presence in our very Being.

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My God has led me on an 80 year jaunt to ever more wondrous beauty. I am led to share this journey and gifts of God that have been showered upon me, not just for me but for whoever God brings into my path.

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