Abundance, part 3

Sep 14, 2014


I have spoken about abundance, and the nature of abundance. Abundance (or not) stems from out basic nature, who we are, and the purpose as we understand it, that we are in this existence. I have shown in the last discussion that we are not just only the children of God, but even deeper, we are, in our very substance and being, a portion of God, that is, our very being vibrates with the Being of God, that somehow all of what we call “creation” (and beyond) is spun from the very nature of God. Just like a drop of water in the ocean is part of the ocean, but is not all of the ocean, so we are a part of the Being we call God, but like the drop of water, we are not all of God, but we still have the power of God within us, as a part of us, our very nature.


I have said that we create our existence, our experiences, our lives. Together we create our world, effectively all that we have and do is a product of our combined wishes and desires as a cognizant Being. Our lives are a product of our individual expectations desires, and our world conditions are part of our combined expectations and desires as a species.

I have also said that out of what we have and are, our very life conditions, is ours by our very desires, but usually our unconscious thoughts and desires that have no direction and goal. Jesus put it bluntly: “Greater than this shall you do.”, but he did not tell us that we have to be Alert and Awake to be able to actually direct our patterns in life. We have to Trust in our feelings, Trust in that power that lies within (“The kingdom of God lies within.”), then, only then, can we direct that power with confidence that it will be as we feel is the best that that can be.

Abundance comes from Trust in the power of God that lies within us. Jesus never doubted that what he proclaimed would occur. Jesus could not have said to the crippled man “Take up your bed and go.” (John 5:8) unless he had absolute Trust (and knowledge) that it would be so. That is the level of Trust we need if we are to achieve the results in our lives that Jesus did, and do “Greater things than this shall you do“. Jesus not only trusted that it would be so, but his conviction rose out of his very being and acceptance of Who he Was, the Son of God.

As are you and i: Sons and Daughters of God, actually Portions of God, having the fundamental powers of God as part of our very nature. It does not require singing and chanting and repeating slogans to work, or mass acceptance (unless we need this to convince ourselves of our innate power), but it does require a level of Trust in the goodness of God in our lives to achieve. And achieve the ultimate results we will, usually not as we think, but the results will indeed be the result we need for our own good and to achieve our underlying beliefs in Who We Are.

But to be even in a more powerful place, we need to see what Jesus saw. He did not just trust God to fulfill his requests, he knew God would fulfill his requests. What he thought of doing was already done, so strong was the thought of Jesus (“Before you even know it, your Father already knows,” Matt. 6:8). His was not hope, it was knowledge that it would be so. When we move to that point we will be like Jesus, able to say to that mountain to hurl itself into the sea, and it would be so.

Just as Jesus said it would.

If we truly want abundance, we must change our thought of what abundance means. When we are aligned with the universe, we will work only to fulfill the purpose of the universe, and all else will be granted. This is what Jesus meant, when he said: “Seek first the kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be granted you.” To live fully in the kingdom of Heaven will be to live into the “Kingdom of God that lives within“, and then truly “All else will be granted” – and it won’t impress us, for that will not be our focus in life. When our focus is to bring the kingdom of God to be more present in our world, we will be granted sufficient means to do just that, one step at a time. At the same time we will find ourselves happy with our lives, satisfied with what we have, and being constantly delighted as more opportunities come into our life, and more of what we call “creature comforts” are present as a side benefit.

True abundance comes from within. True Abundance fills us with happiness and joy, giving us peace in our minds, actually lowers our blood pressure, helps us to lose weight if we need to, and improves life in every aspect. Life becomes a joy, and not a burden. We no longer carry our cross, it becomes a source of resurrection, giving light to our path. We are filled with a lightness and joy that can not be explained. Obstacles become opportunities, and our paths that were rough and twisty become clear and smooth, for we only have to see the next step in front of us. What once we would cringe away in fear become sources of opportunity and joy.

True abundance does not just mean more “things” and more “money”, but instead is the source of intense joy, bliss, and feelings of Truth that fill us and inspire us. True abundance is the source of lasting happiness, the joy of knowing that our life has meaning, that we are just preparing ourselves for the Joy of Everlasting Bliss. When we dwell in True Abundance, we dwell in “the kingdom that lives within“, the source of Power that can not be denied and will grant us everlasting peace.

What more could we want? True abundance is within. Each of us, no matter what our circumstances have Abundance in our grasp. It lies just above us, always available for our reaching, never out of our potential grasp, if only we open our framework of life to see the presence of this Eternal Power.

It is ours for the taking. Do we have the nerve to reach for it? To grasp it will require a shift in our existence, our thinking, our very way of life.

Dare we reach to grasp that Power, that is always there?

To be continued.



My Eternal wisdom, the Source of Power that is mine to accept, I am grateful for this opportunity in life to express who I really am. I am life eternal, I am a source and retainer of Power that is infinite, mine to grasp and see. I am prostrate in gratitude for this opportunity to express my Being in Your Being, a portion of Your everlasting Life. I see that, being one with You, I have the ability to fully express who I really am, and use this ability to form my life as I wish. I thank you for this opportunity to express my life in abundance, and bow in gratitude to be able to consciously form my path for the lifting of all creation.

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