Abundance, part 2

Sep 07, 2014


I spoke about abundance in the last article, saying that each of us creates our own life, day by day, moment by moment. We create our life usually unconsciously. But we can, and we do have the capacity, to create our life consciously if we wish to do so. But what power gives us the capability to create our life either unconsciously or consciously? How is this a truth, when we see our lives so often spinning out of control, seemingly in total disregard with our wishes?

To understand why this is the so, we have to understand who we are. This ties in closely with Jesus's words, “Greater things than this shall you do.”, referring to his miracles and power he showed during his lifetime. How is this possible? What innate power do we posses that this statement be true? The answer to these questions reveal the potential each of us retain, if only we remember who we really are.

We see but a fraction of the power that is God, our Eternal Wisdom, when we view our cosmos. We claim that God is all-powerful. We claim that there is no power that lies outside of God, for if a power lies outside of God, and God is not that power, then God is not all-powerful. How could that awesome power of our cosmos, billions of galaxies each containing billions of stars, be separate from God? Our cosmologists tell us that our universe is filled with real and virtual particles that comprise all possibilities at every moment for that portion of the cosmos, making all potential possibilities, no matter how small a possibility, still a possibility. Is this not how we imagine God is, that all possibilities, no matter how remote, are still possible with God? And how, if all this is separate from God, could all these remote possibilities be possible? Yes, if we are totally separate from God, God would have no reason to interfere with the physical world, since it is an object different from God, and therefore the physical world is doing its own thing, irrespective of the fact that there is a God somewhere.

We cannot have it both ways: either God is totally separate from the physical world and does not intersect it, or else God is somehow totally mixed into the physical world and the two, the physical world and God, can not be separated into separate existences.

In order to determine the truth, we have to look at what science says about what the physical world actually is. Now it is strange, that to prove how God and the physical world are actually one Being, we will use science, which has disdained the suggestion of a God by so many of those who have put science up as god, but that is how we can see the Truth of what we are talking about in this discussion. We will look at some of the findings of quantum physics to understand more deeply the relationship between the physical world and what we call God.

The study of the very small, the world of particle physics and smaller, has shown us that as we explore the ever smaller quanta, we arrive at stranger and stranger relationships between particles. Now particles are the substance of atoms, such as electrons and still smaller quanta such as quarks and beyond. As we all know, all matter as we understand it consists of atoms that are bound together through electrical charges imparted by the arrangement of the electrons that bind with other electron clouds to create networks that eventually arrive at what we call matter, making our world around us, and even our very organs that make us as we see one another and see all things.

When we look at atoms, we see a nucleus with a charge, and electrons circling around to balance out the charge. But if we look at electrons, we see a cloud of energy that never sits still, but is forming and changing at lightning speed to create the illusion of what we call an electron. The nucleus consists of still other particles, quarks of various types, and other strangly named particles that together form the unit we call a nucleus. Deeper looks into the quarks and similar particles reveals not further substances, but energies that create potentials, or relationships, that in turn form the boundaries of the particles that make up quarks, which for other relationships that create atoms, then molecules, up to the physical world we do see and touch. Energy of its own is but a concept; for energy is a non-existent series of relationships that have attraction and repelling forces of some kind that create matter as we know it. That is, energy has no visible part, no breadth or width or depth, but is a potential for action only, not a physical reality.

Thus no physical reality exists. Read that last paragraph again if you need to understand. But in the end, no physical reality exists, only relationships that form units that form more units, that end with the universe as we know it. And even more to the point, these relationships form our atoms that make our flesh and blood, and give rise to the conscious working out that make you, you, and me, me.

Strange wonders. Nothing truly exists, only relationships that have formed boundaries that create you, me and all that we love, (what ever that is) and the world that we see around us.

Is this not an explanation of God? What else could God be but relationships? God is Love, only Love, and at the most fundamental level, our universe, our very being, is Love, spelled out by relationships that lovingly all perceive.

Thus we arrive at the conclusion, that the universe we see is that part of God that we see. We do not see all of God, but only the small three or four dimensions that we can perceive. Our universe has 10 or 11 dimensions, and we have no idea of what exists outside our universe, where “Ear has not heard, nor eye seen” what is present in eternity.

And so if all that we can perceive is some part of God, then it becomes clear that we are part of the being or existence we call God. And if we are some part of God, no matter how distantly related, we still have, somewhere within us, the ultimate power of God to be able to do and be all things.

“Greater things than this shall you do.”

“The kingdom of God lies within”

And if “Greater Things than This” we can do, we do have the power to make the hills smooth and the path straight, if we but understand and Remember all that we are. For it is true, that we have known who and what we are before coming to this plane of existence, but we have forgotten our very being. We only have to remember who and what we are: a Being of God, one capable of ordering our existence in this or any other plane.

To be continued.


My Eternal Wisdom, I bow in gratitude for the understanding you have granted us in this time and space. You have granted us wisdom that once would have been that of the gods, but is now part of our daily lives. I ask that you give us the further wisdom to understand that knowledge as knowledge of the gods, given us so that we may understand who and what we are in your eternal plan and cycle. The evolution of our planet is reaching a crises point, where we will either destroy what we have and return to the primitive state of thousands of years ago, or to continue to evolve to be a source of Love and substance for our universe as we see it. I present myself in gratitude for the opportunity to be your servant and offer myself as a pathway for your knowledge to reach more and more souls that you lead into my life. Continue to open my heart to see those around me who need your Love, and give me the courage to be your Light to my world, as it fits into the most powerful way to bring your presence into our world. I thank you in advance for all that you will do for and with me in the future and the present, one moment at a time, always in the Now.

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