God is Love, part 2
Mar 23, 2014
God is Love. In my last post I started to give some defining thoughts about what the statement of God's Being only Love means to me. To say that God is Love, and we who abide in Love, abide in God, says everything that can be said about our potential relationship with God. Now, if God is Love, certain things become obvious.
Love never requires us to say we are sorry, as was said in the wonderful movie Love Story. (Yes, God does use the media to talk to us.)
We do not have to tell God we are sorry to have God's love. God's Love is always present, no matter what we do, say, or think. That ever present Love fills our soul, and is always eager to fill our consciousness if only we let it. Our soul is God's Love in us, God's breath, our Eternal Wisdom's DNA, our eternal life as part of God's very being. The implications of this is very large.
First of all, this implies that God and I and you and you and you — are joined at the hip, and more, since we are all the one breath of God from infinity. This infinite factor in our Being leads us to understand that we live forever, never dying, and maybe, just maybe, dare we think of this possibility, since we are part of the DNA of God, never having a beginning, but have always been. (Leave that for another time.) But most of all, this means when we pass from this existence to beyond, we rejoin our DNA foundation, our God.
Oops! What did I say? We rejoin our DNA? We rejoin our God, our Soul? That the bridge between body and soul, our mind, (not our brain, which is a very large storage and processing unit, but not the source of our consciousness) melds all together into one Being, a part of God? Well, think about it. If our DNA is our physical foundation and denotes all the characteristics we have, and our soul is the DNA of God, what else would occur? We become one with God, our very Being, for That is Who We Are!
What happened to hell, purgatory, and all the other fear generating concepts that have been thrown at us? I know, I know, Jesus talked about the burning fires, but he never did say they were for eternity. No, that is a concept of human thinking, without every thinking of the Loving God looking at God's Child in everlasting pain for all eternity. And after all, (gasp) Jesus was human, and I suspect just as prone to human misunderstanding as the rest of us. But Jesus understood God was Love, and the primary messages through all the gospels, both accepted gospels and the 'lost' gospels, is that God's love triumphs over all!
Jesus is Human
Yes, Jesus was, is, fully human. That leaves Jesus with his shadow, just as we have our shadow. Now Jesus understood his shadow as few others have, but the shadow was still there, for it is the presence of the shadow, our dark side, that makes us human, and made Jesus human. Human psychology states that we have multiple sides to our consciousness, both the light and the dark. All humans have this mix, and it is what we do with that mix amounts to what we do with this period on earth. So if Jesus was human, he too had this mixture. If Jesus did not have a dark side, Jesus would not have been human. (That will take further exploration in the future.)
Now if there is no hell, and I have much more on this that I have come to understand, besides some wonderful insights from God on this, this means that for eternity we will be with our Eternal Wisdom, unless we decide to venture out again.
So I will state again: If God is Love, there can not be a hell. Hell has no part in the will of God (Love), and therefore is an impossibility. God understands we do the best we can given our circumstances, and to punish us for what we do is like punishing a two year old for spilling milk by accident.
Likewise, there can not be a God who judges. God only Loves. And One who Loves can not judge! I will repeat that for it is really, really important: the One who Loves can not judge, and God only Loves! Yes, I know that the gospels have Jesus talking about the last judgement, but we do not have any eye witness news of what Jesus said, only stories that were told first verbally, then some years later transcribed in Greek, not Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus. We do know that some sayings purportedly said by Jesus were added by the writers, because they deviated so far from the basic message of Jesus. I believe the last judgement stories were added because the early Christians were treated harshly by their neighbors, both Jew and Romans, and this was added to make those so treated feel good (revenge is mine said The Lord, except God never said that), not because Jesus said them. Many things said by Jesus that fit the God of Love are left out of the canonical gospels, but appear in the lost gospels.
God does not produce fear (the fear of The Lord!), as many have proclaimed. If God is Love, God can not generate fear, as fear is not-love, and therefore not-God. There is only one emotion, Love, and all other emotions stem from that emotion or the lack thereof. Fear is the absence or diminishment of Love, the diametrically opposite of Love.
And this also means that there is no evil equivalent of God, no Satan.
If no hell, no Satan! For if God is only Love, God could not,would not, create a creature to be equal to God, as Satan is depicted. No hell, no Satan! How silly a story that God would make from his own Being (God's breath) a creature equal but opposite to God? Absolute idiocy.
.Yes, we humans can make mistakes, sometimes serious mistakes. We all have our shadow, our dark side. Now, I am not saying that there are not repercussions from our actions. Of course there are. And these reprocussions are always there, in this life and the next. But these are part of our growing process, part of who we are as an eternal process growing and learning. We grow and learn from our shadow, in this world and/or in the next, understanding in the process who we really are.
God is only Love, as is our soul only Love, seeking to be joined with the rest of our being, body-mind-soul, as one being of Love, joined with the Divine Essence of who we are. Thus we have an eternity of body-mind-soul joined as one with God, our Eternal Wisdom, as the one Being we call God.
I have other musings on God at my journal on Beliefnet.com, under Dave434.
Thanks for the article.Really thank you! Great.
Appreciate you sharing, great blog article. Will read on…