Living a Life of Abundance(21)-The Way(3)

Jan 25, 2015


1. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God.

Now comes the hard part: to surrender ourselves into that power that surround us, fills us, is our internal vital core. Dare we “Let go and let God?” The Power of God Itself, that force that created our vast universe, is ours for the taking. Do we dare? Can we just turn our will over to that Power and let that Power become ours? The Eternal Power of the Eternal Creator is ours for the asking, but we have to ask. We have to let ourselves fall into that power, no holding back, just to let go, let go, let go. Let God. Jesus called this faith, “The faith of a mustard seed.”


Turning your life over.

The key to living the life of Abundance is to live in such a manner that you turn your life over into the care of our Loving God, our Eternal Wisdom, the One Who Loves, our Life. The question that arises each day is always, is this a day when we turn our life over to the care of God or do we strangle the power of God within us by choosing to live a life based on the drives of our ego? How does a person let go seemingly of all that drives to grab our attention and let the energy of God enliven us? Do we have to abandon out family, jobs, and all that forms our life just so we can live a life of contemplation and prayer?

Of course not. In fact, it is just the opposite. when we live a life of surrender to God, The Maker of our universe, we discover that the world takes on a whole new meaning, our life duties become a joy, that even the most mundane tasks take on a life of their own to have meaning, even if that meaning that we first see is that it brings in money, which in itself is a good means of providing for our life, giving us the a place to call home, food, clothing, etc..

To be able to reach the infinite power of the universe means that we have to be in alignment with the universe so that the power can flow through us. When we are in our ego center we will be where ever our ego leads us, which is seldom in alignment with that of the universe. When we are in alignment with the universe, things flow much easier, the general path of our life becomes one that is easier and seeming heading in a direction that eventually will lead us to understand we are living a Life of Abundance.

Living in Alignment With the Universe

Living a life that is in surrender to the care of God is identical to living a life in alignment with the universe, for the Universe in the sense we can understand it, and as described in my previous postings, the Universe is Life Itself, or, is what we call God, that Eternal Force, the Holy Wisdom. Yes, this is a bold statement, one that we will come back to again and again. For if God is the All in All, the Alpha and the Omega, then nothing lies outside of God, for if we and the universe are not somehow a portion of what we call God, then God is not the All in All. And Yes I have said this before, and will say it many times in the future, for it goes against all we have been told by our various religions, leaders, and wise persons in the past.

As God said in “Conversations with God”, “You got Me all wrong”.

So it is on the care of the God of our understanding, in the form of the universe, that enables the forces to align with our needs and gives us a Life of Abundance, that form of life that brings us joy and peace of heart.

The God of my understanding

The God of my Understanding. What a strange form to express God. For is there not only one God? And therefore would not that God only be one form? But not so, not so. God is any form that there is, all forms are forms of God, for if God is the All in All, then all forms, no matter what they are, are forms of God. If I can say that God and Universe are one, look at the forms that exist in the universe, let alone all the forms that exist as Humans, no two alike. I guarantee that the God you understand is different than the God that I understand, which is different than the God as understood by every other human being on this planet or any other place in our universe or any other universe.

Certainly God did not define Herself in the form of Jesus as the only form possible, and to say that God is in the form of an adult male of any age is a form of insanity. Unfortunately, it is a form of insanity that has been rampant on this planet to justify the male domination of our society for 5000 years or more, based upon the histories engraved in the monuments of the world. Before the time of about 5000 years ago, the statues that seemed to indicate the objects of worship were more feminine, often pregnant or exaggerated female forms. But that is another story.

So the God of our understanding has changed with the culture, and changed within the culture with each individual, and changes many times in each persons understanding. The God I understand today is only a little like the God of my understanding of even a few years ago.

And I am sure that the God of my understanding of today, will continue to change throughout my life, and will change even more in the next phase of my life after my limited physical being is freed into the internal realm.

How Often to I Turn the Day Over to My God?

Each day is the beginning of a new turn and phase of your life. The phrase, which may seem trite, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”, is true, and when you awake in the morning, the world is beginning anew, fresh with promise, with the potential of all kinds of promising potential. Fresh in the morning is the best time to spend even a few seconds being grateful for the new day, no matter what you have on the schedule for the day. Just to be alive for one more day is a gift of life, even if that day is your last day in this cycle of life. Each day is a blessing, a time to share with your God, a gift of the one thing that is always present, your Now, this instant of awareness that marks you as a conscious being, capable of the most precious thing in the universe: a time to commune, even if for a moment, and even if you “feel” nothing in return, to commune with your God.

The Gift of the “Now”.

There is only “Now”. There is no past, it is gone and will never, ever, be repeated in this lifetime. There is no future, for that depends on the choice we make each moment in time, for we create our own future by what we do and believe in this “Now”, each Now as it comes, and comes, and comes. Just a small change in perspective will change the next Now, which will lead to the next change in the following Now, and soon we have a totally different outcome than if had made a different choice way back in that first Now when we first perceived a possible change. This is how a Life of Abundance occurs: one Now at a time.

Are we willing to step into the future? Yes, it is a big change in our way of behavior, and change is always scary, if not downright frightening. We have grown staid, day by day, settling into our behavior patterns by default, thinking that is all there is. But not so, not so. We are free to change our way of thinking any time we wish. Nothing prevents from seeing things differently, in a fresh light, perhaps lit from within, glowing in the light of God.

The World we see is an Illusion

We see the world in one manner according to the perspective we bring upon the world. If we change that perspective, we change the world we see. It is that simple: do we see the glass of the world as half full or half empty? It is only a matter of perspective. If we want a life of Abundance we will see the world in one way, and if let our ego take control we will see the world in a totally different way. The first will see the world as inherently good, expecting good things to happen, and seeing good things happen; while the latter will see the world as hostile to them, expecting the worst, and seeing the worst as it appears to happen.

There is only the Now, this very instant. I will be repeating this many times, for it is a difficult concept to grasp and accept in ones own life, as all we normally see is the past, with all its impacts on our lives, and we live out much of our life trying to change then past, grieving for the past, wishing the past to be different, that we fail to see what is happening right Now.

Or, and often at the same time, we live in a dream about the future, imagining all kinds of scenarios that could happen, and again fail to see what is happening right this instant, Now, the only time there is. For none of that potential glorious future will occur, unless we do something Now to make the shift towards what could occur in the future.

Living in the past and the future fails to look at the Now, the only time there is. It is only by watching the Now and moving this Now to aim in a direction that will fill more positive possibilities will the future unfold in Abundance.

The Power of Now

The God of our Understanding, the Eternal Wisdom, The All in All, only has one moment, and that is Now. All time is an illusion in this level of consciousness, but God sees the eternal, all moments in time, and is aware of all the choices we make and the potential outcome of all these choices. We make our choices, and that destiny unfolds before us, moment by moment, choice by choice, Now by Now. We can make the decision to place our life in the hands of the Eternal Wisdom, our Profound Lover, and rest assured that the All in All will only give us the very very best that we may become the Person we were Created to become.

This is the God that we turn our life over for, that will be the guide for a Life of Abundance.

2. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God.


Our Eternal Life Force, who has shown us eternal Love and care, we acknowledge in gratitude your desire to show us only Love and Support. We know that our limited ability in this form of experience too often prevents us from seeing the Abundance that lies just a step ahead, if we but choose You and not our ego. We too often are afraid to trust to your Care, despite the many times You have told us to trust You, just as the birds of the air trust in your goodness to provide them all they need. So we too, offer ourselves in Faith to your care, putting our trust in your Love and willingness to guide us to fulfill our purpose, to taste Paradise on earth, and to live out the return of Jesus on earth in one another.


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My God has led me on an 80 year jaunt to ever more wondrous beauty. I am led to share this journey and gifts of God that have been showered upon me, not just for me but for whoever God brings into my path.

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