Abundance (12) —- Nature (3)
Nov 16, 2014
The explanation of the natural features of abundance from the last discussion still does not explain the seemingly impossible features of many occurrences of “coincidences” or other wonderful events of our lives that defy explanation.
Particularly puzzling are events that come together defying time, where what occurs had to have been started long before even the need became a concern or desire. Such an event, such as the event I had some months ago as of this writing, where just as it became apparent that my small company had a serious financial problem, our principle customer came with an order that solved all our problems totally unexpectedly. It is obvious to me, knowing how large companies operate, that this had been worked on for many months without our knowledge. Where did that come from? How did Providence, our Eternal Wisdom work that effort?
First of all, the Eternal Wisdom, or God, is not limited by time. God works around the linear function of time, and sees all as Now, occurring all at once in all the variations possible, where we see only the Now that is in our Time, followed by the next Now, which is dependent on our response to this Now, moment by moment. The Eternal Wisdom understood what was occurring, and followed the sequence of Nows that understood the bank’s refusal and the ensuing potential consequences, and acted long before to set in motion the process that led to the order Just in Time, as the saying goes.
But just as mystifying is the answer given by quantum mechanics, the theory of possibilities. The theory of relativity, generated by Einstein, which is the mathematical description of the operation of the whole universe, or the macro-world, has a function of time in it , that is, E=mc(2), or energy equals mass times the speed of light, squared. The Speed of light is measured in Kilometers per Second. Note the function of time, or Kilometers per second. But the more obscure math functions of quantum physics, which deals with the micro-world and the world of possibilities, has no function of time involved. The implications that is understood by those whose life is devoted to the study of quantum physics, is that it is a distinct possibility that an event experienced in the Now can reach back and change events in the past to allow the present Now to exist.
Now this gives all kinds of mind-boggling possibilities. I will not talk about these here, as they do not bear on this topic, but it does raise the possibility that time has little to do with the sequence of events that give birth to a particular event. That is, in the event I was sharing, it is a possibility that when the need surfaced, that set a series of events into motion that reached back in time to trigger the sequence that allowed the order to be placed at the needed moment.
Or, the Eternal Wisdom foresaw the sequence of events needed long before it became evident in time, to set in motion the sequence.
Which is true? Does it matter? Both result in the needed actions. Both are correct, and perhaps both really are the same. Yes, both the meta-physical and the physics-based approach state that time is not an obstacle to reach a given result. It may seem strange, but perhaps, just perhaps, that understanding quantum physics gives us just a glimpse, a mere glimpse, of the workings of the mystical world, the world of the Eternal Wisdom, or, dare we say, The way God operates; that is, the working of God. Perhaps this is the time that the eternal workings of the eternal spirit are becoming understandable to the individualizations of God, that is, Us.
Just as an aside, this insight of the parallels of the world of quantum physics and the thinking of the meta-physical world reveal that not only is there not an opposition between science and the mystical or meta-physical world, but there is an agreement in the basic functioning of the two lines of thought. This agreement is beginning to appear to be consistent, and points out the possibility that eventually we will be able to understand the Mind of God, at least at the edges, and then who knows, as the Eternal Wisdom is made more manifest to us, we will meld more and more into the Wisdom of the Eternal Spirit.
This is how it has to be, if either thought process is correct. For there can not be any disagreement between these two approaches to explaining the universe(es) that exist. I have spent 80 years studying both approaches, and have never seen a true disagreement between to two. Language differences, true. Both describe a process of creation. Science gives us facts and a trail to show how these facts both bewilder us and confirm the process of life, while the meta-physical approach gives us a why and wherefore that explains the meaning of the world of science. Quite frankly, where seemingly intractable differences appear, I tend to lean more on what science says, and find, after pondering and studying more, that the “intractable” moment has vanished, and both agree. I have never found a true disagreement that when studied did not reveal that the basic scientific truth bore the Truth, both scientifically and meta-physically, of how things lay.
One of principle reasons I prefer the scientific approach, is that, unlike the religious approach, science is not afraid to change what it states, usually in finer results that end in subtle changes, but even when great discoveries are made, such as that the earth is not the center of the universe, science moved forward and used that knowledge to understand more and more of the functional part of the world.
God has been trying to help us understand how the creation process operates, using many paths of Masters and Mystics, and now that we can understand the interrelationships of the physical parts of the universe, revealing how all is one in Being with the author of Life itself. We are all one. In fact, as science has shown us, Everything is One, there being no real differential between the the universe and conscious life as we understand it, and as we will understand further in the future.
Thus Abundance stems out of our basic function of Who We Are. If we can bring ourselves into alignment with our True Nature, our Oneness with the All in All, we would understand that what we have is the power of All That Is within us, that nothing is beyond our grasp, that it is within our grasp to achieve all that we need, all we desire in our soul, that truly “Greater things than this shall you do”, or to put it in the phrase that Abundance can relate with, “Greater things than this shall I do.”
Yea, it is ours to deny, ours to resist, ours to say “Not me, Lord, Not me, surely! You can not be asking me to take that role”. But it is also ours to accept, ours to demand, ours to understand that Jesus was talking to you and to me, when He said “Greater things than this shall you do.” The question really arises, then, do we accept the challenge Jesus gives us, or do we lay down our birth rite and walk away from the great challenges in life?
We bow in awe, Eternal Wisdom, to your techniques of pushing, tantalizing, suggesting, hinting and other methods of calling us out of ignorance and fear into enlightenment and joy. Your dual approach of physical hinting and meta-physical hinting that draws upon the innate curiosity of humanity that can never be denied leads us to a level of understanding that could not happen any other way. I am in awe at the methods You use to lead us to basic Truths, both by science and spirituality, or meta-physics. Grant us the wisdom to unite these seemingly diverse paths into a single strand that reveals your Truth in the wholeness of creation, as You intended.
Major thankies for the article post.Really looking forward to read more. Cool.
Really informative article post.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.