Abundance, Part 10 —— The Nature of Abundance

Nov 04, 2014


The concept of Abundance seems counter-intuitive to our linear nature of thinking, as taught by our standard education system. We are taught to look at first causes, then extract from that concept each progressive step in nature and progress to determine yet the following step. We are sternly limited to prevent us from thinking too far ahead, and God forbid that a genius appears, since that person sees far beyond what is pedantically presented in our general schools. The genius sees what could be, seeing the twist of nature that permits the next giant leap in thought. The type of thinking is deeply frowned upon in most schools today.

Steve Jobs did not do well in school: he was a true genius, and quickly summed up in his mind what was being presented and leaped into the future. He had adopted parents that permitted him to progress at his own pace and do what he needed to do to further his driven personality. From that genius came the graphic interface that we today presume as “always was”, the concept of fonts as a graphic tool, the general use of an affordable “mouse”, given as a low cost interface mechanism, all in the first Mac in 1984. (If you have never seen the original tv adds for the Mac in the 1984 Super Bowl, you should search it and see it. It is a great example of presenting the future in a mind-blowing fashion.)

Abundance too works in a non-linear fashion. Abundance stems from our basic nature of a being of life, coming from our fundamental nature of God, and not from our process of thinking in any kind of linear fashion. God is the resident Genius that each of us contIns, no matter what our education or what our recorded IQ has been stated, and is part of the essence that makes us human and conscious.

God created humanity in a divine fashion: “God created man in His Image; in the divine Image He created him, male and female He create them.” Genesis 1: 27

In the Image of God! We are created in the Image of GOD! What stronger language can be used? Oh yes, Jesus said “Greater things than this you shall do.” John 14:12. and so much more.

And what is the fundamental nature of God? GOD IS THE CREATOR! And if God is the creator, always the creator, and we are made in the image of God, what does that make our fundamental nature? Yes, you guessed the impossible: we are Creators, the Creators of all that we are, the creators of all of our life.

This concept certainly flies against all we have been taught, all that we perceive from the knowledge of our experiences and appearances of life around us. We certainly would not have created our present life if we are the ones doing the creation. Oh no, so many things seems so wrong to us from every direction we look upon our life.

How can we be the creators of our life? Of all of our secrets that we are afraid to tell others? Of all our shadows that haunt us day and night? I created these monsters? I created the life I live? I created the obstacles of my life? I created these pains, either physical or mental, I created these moods, daydreams, and the reality of my day-to-day existence?

Yes, I created them. Each and every one of them. We have to remember, I also created all the joys I see, the songs I love, the love I share, everything, both good and bad, but everything that there is I created.

When Jesus stated “The Kingdom of God lies Within.” Luke 17:21, Jesus stated what I have been saying, that if the Kingdom of God lies within, and the kingdom of God is the state of God’s behavior, and God’s behavior is one of creation, creating each and everyday and the creation of each moment of Now, and Now and Now, then our aspect of that kingdom of God is one of creation. That creation is our life. Nothing else but our life. We create constantly, and that is our life that we perceive. There is no other thing but the life we create. We always create the life we need right now, and everything is always perfect from that sense, but our perception of that life, each Now that we spin out, second by second, breath by breath, heart beat by heart beat, each leads to the next breath, the next heart beat, but more importantly, the next perception which is based upon the previous perception —– unless we decide to shift that next perception into a new direction.

We do have that choice. It is ours to take, or not, each moment. We have the choice to move up, down, left right, forward or backward —— and even to take a leap, a jump, into the unknown, to risk, to lean on God to make that choice, and let it be.

Yes, that is the choice each of us have, at each and every moment. We can choose to stay where we have been, where it feels comfortable, or we can choose to squint, see the possibility, and leap into the unknown. How often have we leaped into the unknown? Do we dare? Have we dared to venture, to try to see. It does now always work out like we had hoped, but the experience is always, always, always, worth the chance.

I have taken a risk many times in my life. Once I joined forces with my beloved, we have agreed to mutually risk for the opportunity.

Twice we have started a high technology business with others. Once the risk was overtaken by another technology that caused us to fail in 1969, but the knowledge gained was stored away, so when we tried again in 1996, it has worked well.

It is this willingness to risk that allows us to risk trusting God to help us through difficult times. We have risked much when we stepped out and tried a new venture. That ability to risk has permitted us to venture into new paths where God is speaking today, to learn to listen to our inner voice that comes from our Soul, to leap into the void that contains the All.

At age 33, what did we have to lose. Well, we had just had our fourth daughter when we started our new business, had a nice house, but felt it was the right thing to do for the future. Yes even then we knew, absolutely knew, that everything would be fine. And it was. When it became obvious, since all our customers were frozen with the advent of the first video tape machine, that all of our orders were canceled and we were not going to make it, I received a phone call from my previous manager wanting to talk to me about a new research job they were starting and wanted me to take over the effort. They offered me a great salary, as they did not know our problems, and I accepted, and so I started back at my previous location with a new title, great pay, and all was well.

Now you may say that it is easy to risk on a new venture, for that is a chosen risk. But how about when problems appear, how do we risk then? For my wife and I, we have always chosen to trust, and even know, that God will guide us through this time. When I lost my job in 1970, we trusted God would find us sufficient income. That worked out well. When our house burnt completely in 1984, we trusted that God would see us through. And we love our new house. Time and time again. We moved my wife’s mother to our home, where she developed cancer and died in the midst of a loving family.


And Know that God is there, and we live immersed in that Spirit we call God.

And that is how God works. We do build our own life, with all its ups and downs. Yes, we are our own creators, and yes, each of us create our own mix and meld with everyone else we are with, but it is our own choices that move each life along. We are our own creators, creating each Now of our life, in response to the Now of one another, but in general fashioning our life according to the pattern we set. And that pattern always matches our deepest inner desires.

And we set that pattern generally unconsciously, unless we choose to set a conscious pattern in our life.


That is what forms abundance. That pattern can be forced by methods of self-hypnosis or it can be with the trust and knowledge that God will give us only the best for our life.The choice is ours.


Eternal Wisdom, open up our hearts and beings to sense and trust Your Wisdom in our life. Our very existence is a breath of your Being; we, made in Your Image, being of Your very Essence, have the Kingdom of Your Being within us, waiting, just waiting, for us to see that level. We thank you for this opportunity to open the gates of our hearts to your very Being, your Life, all Life, the very fabric of the universe and the all in all. We bow in awe as we sense the possibilities that flow around and in us, seeing the beauty of the universe in all its glory as a reflection of your vastness and glory, and as a glimpse of our own glory in your Being, all contained in our very essence.

5 thoughts on “Abundance, Part 10 —— The Nature of Abundance”

  1. I just watched the movie about Steve Jobs a few days ago. I agree he is a genius, such a mind for technology. I’ve known a few geniuses in my time, they are always such fun to have discussions with. Their well is endless, they have their own type of abundance. Steve used his talents to make many folks lives easier. Giving them abundance by freeing them up. Whether it’s freeing their minds via the graphical interface ( so much less to keep track of in your head than using a command line ) and touch screens and Siri ( allowing direct interaction, human sense contact with a machine ) to something as simple as a 1000 songs in your pocket. Apple products tend to be enjoyable to operate, more fun than fuss. The universe has been putting me in the path of many Mac users lately to an almost uncanny degree. I was even playing around with a few Macs in a store recently, trying both the GUI and of course the UNIX command line. Perhaps there is a message there and it is not coincidence! At least it has made me think about migrating at least one machine at home to a Mac. Recently in a twist, Apple has brought us abundance. We were particularly blessed when we received a late model (Non-Apple) laptop, top of the line, from someone who has decided to switch to an Apple product instead! So now I have to spread the abundance of some spare computers I have saved for some folks that can use them.

    As I reflect on the year it has brought abundance in many ways. As life goes on I tend to enjoy experiences more than material objects. I feel blessed with an abundance of both this year.

    1. Erik

      Thank you I am a long Mac friend, since 1984. Right now I have 4 apple products. Steve certainly led a revolution not only in computers but in music, communication, and abilities (iPad). I have long been a great fan of his.

    1. Love the way your touching so many peolpe and make them think about the way we are doing things. I already began to make a change and it feels good. God has a perfect plan for you and being obedient to his word and to his voice you will be more amazing than you are right NOW. God bless all your plans, we are excited that we are gong to spend christmas with you!!!

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