Abundance, Part 9, ——- Wherefore Abundance
Oct 27, 2014
“Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be given to you. Do not worry about tomorrow. Each day has sufficient troubles of its own.” Matt 33-34. “The kingdom of God lies within you.” Matt 17:21
I have been talking about abundance, sometimes called the Law of Attraction, as if it is a reality, but I do not believe I have spent sufficient time to explain what abundance is, or even if it exists in any form. Jesus made a striking statement that I quoted above, including the key phrase “all these things will be given to you“. How can that be? We see so much trouble around us, and we may have, or are, experiencing trouble as we read this. What is behind this strange phrase, even as we know that Jesus died a painful death, while still “Seeking the kingdom of God”.
Or was Jesus seeking the kingdom of God at the time of his death? Maybe, just maybe, he was living in that kingdom of God that lies within despite what was happening before our eyes.
A feeling of abundance is an internal sense that all is going well, and all will be well. A sense of lacking, or the opposite of abundance, is an internal sense of “not enough”, and things are going to “h— in a hand basket”.
Now we know that two people can view the same event, and perceive two different, and sometimes very different, events. The loss of a job can seem devastating during the event but can be seen as a blessing when new opportunities open up. Or the loss of a job can feel so devastating that one gives up and retreats from life, saying to themselves that it is not worth the effort. I have seen both.
What Jesus was talking about in his quote mentioned above is perception, trust, and knowing. I have found during my 80 years of life that if I trust, and I mean trust, that is, knowing that God will not desert me and let me down, God, my Eternal Wisdom, in whatever is going on, will lead to other events that will prove a blessing, and I will be filled with Abundance, Peace, and Joy. This sequence has never failed me, and it will not fail you. But it does require acceptance of the event, and not just acceptance, but acceptance! This event occurred, and it is good, Despite what it may appear, and it is simply an event in the flow of life. This event will lead to another event, and that too will be good, no matter what it appears to be at the moment.
And after acceptance, comes expectation of the best. That is, I know, just know, that the end result will be the best possible outcome for my journey at this time. Nothing could be better, given what I am trying to accomplish in this journey of life.
It all starts with perception. We perceive that God wishes only good for us, that God never, ever, ever, sends us a trial, that is, an event meant to “test” us. But God does give us all the means to accomplish our inner goals, all the events, over and over, to lead us to the result that we need to climb to the next level of life.
How does this happen? What we wish for in the core of our being is what occurs in our life.
Yes, we create our life. If we perceive an event as being “perfect”, we will leave that event with a positive approach that will lead to another “perfect” event, and then another.
It all lies in perception. As we perceive, so it is! Yes it is that simple. How else could Jesus say “If you have the faith of a mustard seed, and say to that mountain, hurl yourself into the sea, it will occur”. How else could Jesus say “greater things than this shall you do”. Jesus understood that all we perceive we put there ourselves, oh yes, sometimes it is a combined process of more than one, but we are still ultimately responsible for our lives, and we are the ones who determine what our life consists of.
That needs further discussion. I have made a very strong statement, that our life is what we, ourselves, make it to be. God places choices before us all the time, often accomplishing much in the background that we know nothing about, to give us our desires. Yes, God in the form of the universe gives us our desires! Deep in our souls we have desired the event that we are living in right now. These desires stem from our very being, and are derived from the choices that we made in past events.
How can we desire our life? This seems like an impossibility, but the universe is constructed to give us our very desires, no matter how strange. For instance, if we deeply believe “I don’t deserve to have this”, guess what: we probably won’t have that. The universe truly follows our desires, and much of the time we desire things or events that prove negative to our true needs. We think we need more of this or that to be happy: more wealth, a bigger car, a bigger house, etc. but these things, in them selves, will not make us happier. Oh they will for a short while, and we can work to bring these things to us (see my description on Ego Abundance), but the joy we achieve is short lived, and then we seek more wealth, bigger cars, etc.
As Albert Einstein said, “We can not solve our problems with the same thinking that created them.” This puts it in a nutshell, that if we want to achieve lasting peace and joy in our lives, and thus have true Abundance in our lives, then we have to change our thinking from what led us to where we are to new thinking to where we want to be.
Yes, we do achieve what we want. Even our passing is part of that thinking, as our soul knows when we have achieved what we came here to do, and makes that decision for us. Yes each us us puts ourselves in the position, at the time that our soul decides, to leave this world of physicality and move to the next event in the world of higher vibrations, the spirit world.
The universe is eager to do our bidding, for are we not “Made in the image and likeness of God”? And, if nothing else, God is the Creator. If God is Love, only Love, then Love is the Creator of all there is, willing to give of His/Her self to all there is. And if God is the Creator, and we are made in the “image and likeness God”, what else is there for us to be but a Creator? And what do we create but our life? Who else creates our life? Why would God create for us, when Cod made us in the image and likeness of the great Creator? What is our purpose but to create?
And so it is.
We are our own life creator. All we are and all we do is part of the creation process we generate. Nothing that is not of our creation exists. And that includes all seven billion of us on our small planet. All seven billion self-create our own individual lives, each choosing our path for what we came to accomplish on this path of physicality. Our paths intermix at our own choosing, and the individual response to that intermix is what creates, for each of us, our next step in this path of life. All of creation is an intermix, each of our creations providing the path for the next step and then the next step.
And so yes, create we do: our own life, our very own patterns of living. Each and everyone of us. This marvelous pattern of life is the essence of our being.
And we control it, either consciously or unconsciously.
It is our choice.
Next I will discuss the different levels of Trust: Hope, Faith, Knowing.
Our Divine Creator, our Eternal Wisdom, we bow in gratitude for the beneficence of your creation in our life. We, who feel our way almost blindly in our passing through time, can not see the future, but we see the past and the Now, the wonderful Now. We see the events that have brought us here, and we trust, and yes we know, that the path in the future will bless and fill our hearts with joy and peace. Give us the acceptance and certainty that will keep our wills firmly in the path of internal joy and love. For this we thank and bless you.
Yes, it is so.